How the heck did you end up here?

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Local forecast: Port Angeles Weather --

Important News

Bummer of a birthmark Hal...
We now continue with our regularly scheduled programming.

    Who am I?

  • I am a seasoned IT Systems guy with extensive experience in the management, support, and installation of software, hardware, and network systems in distributed heterogeneous environments.
  • Love the jargon? What, no?

    For those of you with a life, that means I play well with all kinds of computers. Everything from mainframes to home style personal computers, all hooked together, running all kinds of operating systems.

    It has narrowed down in the last few years to working with various flavors of:

  • If you are someone I know and you end up in North Seattle be sure to say hi.
  • If you're not in the area, drop me a note.


Phantom 3
What I did on my summer vacation.
What was I thinking?

ATuttle@AllenTuttle DOT com

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